Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sportsmen's Tennis Club Let David Go Away...

Sportsmen's Tennis Club let David leave the club...
I was looking for some temporary help with paying for David's tennis classes, but unfortunately, the director of the club - TONY WILEY and NADINE HOUSTON said to me that we are not qualifying for any help from the club...
I supported Sportsmen's Tennis Club for over 5 years, paying for all tennis classes, clinics, and summer camps... I was donating extra money to support clubs activities, and support Sportsmen's... and now when I needed help from the club I got the answer - NO!
ESPECIALLY, I'm talking about ranked USTA # 4 tennis player IN New England???
I am so, so surprised and sad. David started to cry when I told him that we need to stop his tennis because currently as a family we are experiencing taft times. After a few days David said to me with tears in his eyes, "don't worry mommy, maybe we can find another club who wants me, and who will appreciate my hard work to be a great tennis player..."

I know that Sportsmens awards lot of financial help to many players. They get lots of help from many sponsors, I was sponsoring the club too...
Now it is depending from who NADINE HOUSTON and TONY WILEY likes! I know that NADINE HOUSTON DOESN'T LIKE DAVID or me and that's WHY SHE DIDN'T LIKE TO HELP US!!!
Last summer David was bullied at the Sportsman's Tennis Club during summer camps, when I looked for help from Nadine Houston, as the camp director, she said that "David, who was 8 at that time, should defense himself, and all other nonsenses... Nadine Houston said that she "can not promise me that, that kind of behavior won't happen again against my son...
That incident and the fact that we are white family, decided that David was refused any, even temporary help from that club, NADINE HOUSTON and TONY WILEY just let him go...
The only two people decide about any player at the Sportsmen's - Tony Wiley and Nadine Houston, their favoritism decides who is going to get help from the club!

I hope NOT!!!

Why Sportsmen's Tennis Club Doesn't SUPPORT Good Talented Young Players???

David is one of the members at Sportsmen's Tennis Club, since 2005. Since we started attending tennis clinics and private lessons, many changes were made in administration of the club. In the last 5 years, executive director has been changed 3 times! Many other positions at Sportsmen's also been replaced a few times... I was always wondering, why?... this club doesn't mean to be stable place for young tennis players...
Tony Wiley is executive director now at Sportsmen's... I realized that she is not friendly for some families and young players, not supportive at all for my son, David... maybe because we are the "white family"???
David, at age 9 is ranked in New England USTA #4 in age bracket 10 and under. That means he is one of the promising and talented 9 year old players.
At Sportsmen's he is not appreciated at all from the director - Tony Wiley, she seams to not even notice him or sometimes talk to him to show that appreciation. It is very strange situation to me and David, that little boy can feel it and talk to me about that. I think director of tennis club should support players, be friendly, enthusiastic, and make nice atmosphere at the club for every body's enjoyment.
I noticed that Tony Wiley speaks "unfriendly" to parents and her whole attitude isn't the best model for children! I heard many complains from different families under her address.
But my question is: Why Tony Wiley doesn't support the white, talented 9 year old boy, who seams to be a very promising tennis player???

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bike the dunes in Provincetown

Adventurers can bike the sand dunes along the beaches. The dunes lining the shores of Provincetown are the most popular. Try the 7-mile Province Land Trail that challenges even the most fit with steep dune after steep dune.

Bike the Cape Cod Rail Trail

Rent a bike along the Cape Cod Rail Trail - a great way to see the seashore. The state has spent $6.2 million refurbishing the trails the past two winters.

Do not Buy These Baby Strollers!

The consumer watchdog group says the strollers pose a safety risk to children.

The directive comes after the strollers failed Consumer Reports testing.

The three strollers that Consumer Reports is saying don’t buy are, the Valco Baby Tri-Mode, Tike Tech City x3 All-Terrain Stroller and the Tike Tech x3 Sport Jogging Stroller.

The problem is something many parents might not be aware of.

“The danger here is if the child’s torso slips underneath the bar but the head gets hung up,” explained Consumer Reports

The American Society for Testing and Materials requires that if there is enough space for the child’s body to pass underneath the stroller tray or grab bar, then there must be enough space for a child’s head to pass through as well.

Consumer Reports tested the strollers using a ball to represent a child’s head.

“This ball should pass through underneath that bar under its own weight. It doesn’t so it fails to comply with the industry standards,” said Consumer Reports.

So far, the manufacturers of the strollers in question say they have received no reports of any injuries involving their strollers.

Consumer Reports says it will pass its findings on to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Please visit our site for a great selection of safe baby strollers, we follow closely all recalls and recommendations.
Our other blogs about baby accessories and their safety are

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Best New England Bike Trails - Middlesex Fells Reservation

The Mountain Bike Loop at Middlesex Fells Reservation
Middlesex Fells is probably the closest you can get to the wilderness and only travel 30 miles outside of city. This trail is one of the best to ride to escape for a morning or afternoon.
This trail is great to take your children with you in a bicycle trailer, kids will enjoy the ride, guaranteed!
Bicycling with children is a great activity, very educational, will teach your kids, how to spend free time actively and healthy. So promote healthy life style just from the beginning or now, it's never to late! Have fun with your kids in a bicycle trailer!
Above trail is one of the best in New England. I write series of articles, where I promote 15 best bike trails in New England. The Mountain Bike Loop at Middlesex Fells Reservation is one of them!

Please visit our other blogs at
For a great bicycle trailer collection, visit www we offer great selection of bicycle trailers on every budget!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Recommendations for Bicycle Trailer Users

It is important that your baby is safe at all times, especially when you take him on the road in the bicycle trailer. I realized that is never to much to read about safety, new rules, and recommendations, if we are talking about our childrens safety.
That's why I write a lot about these topics and hope that you make them useful and practical for your family.

- Don't buy a bicycle trailer or a bicycle-mounted seat until your baby is at least 1 year old. It is not recommend for children younger than that because they may not be physically equipped to withstand the forces they'll be exposed to when riding in a bicycle seat or trailer. And when they're younger than age 1, they can't support their head properly with a helmet on, which all riders should wear.

- Choose based on your needs, riding ability, and where you are riding. Trailers are "off-road vehicles"; use them only in parks and on safe, smooth trails where there's no risk of encounters with cars.
- Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for bicycle trailer, regarding the maximum weight, which is usually up to 100 pounds.

- The better bicycle trailers have sturdy construction, tinted windows, a comfortable interior, and a wide wheel base. But before you buy, ask yourself if you will use the trailer enough to justify the price. If you think you'll use it only occasionally, buy the most durable trailer you can find at the low-end price.
- Consider how much weight you'll tow. If the weight of the bicycle trailer plus the passenger or passengers exceeds 50 pounds, you may start to feel like a beast of burden. Pedaling uphill can be especially difficult. At that point, maybe it's time for riders to get their own bikes.

- Take your cycling ability into consideration. If you opt for a bicycle-mounted seat, you might find a rear-mounted seat with a child in tow unnerving and exhausting to operate. If you're a novice or not in top shape, you'd probably be better off with a front-mounted seat. If you go with a bicycle trailer, ride with only one child at a time if you're an infrequent rider.
- Finally, have your child wear a lightweight, well-fitting bike helmet, and never leave a child in the seat with the bike on the kick stand, which isn't made to support the weight.

Please read our other blogs at
Our website offers a wide variety of safe and tested bicycle trailers at affordable prices on every budget, please check it out our Spring Sale! plus free shipping on many items...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bicycle Tracks along Beaches in New England - Plum Island

In the series of The Best Family Bicycle tracks in New England, I would like to share with you, a great bicycle route along Plum Island. If you like bicycling alone, with your kids, or friends, and you love beaches and nature - this track is FOR YOU!
Now, when spring approaches, grab your bike, bicycle trailer, your family... have fun on this great track...

Plum Island

Enjoy some of the nature that Plum Island has to offer via bike when you ride through this 6-mile barrier beach that extends south of Newburyport. Most of the path makes up the Parker River Wildlife Refuge, which nearly 300 bird species visit seasonally.

If you have bicycle trailer for your kids, connect them to your bike, if you are planning to get one, please visit our buying guides and resources to read about great benefits, physical, emotional, and social, that bicycling with your children brings.
If you're planning to buy a bicycle trailer for your family, we offer a wide variety of single and double bicycle trailers at Now we have special reduced prices for all bicycle trailers for a new season! check it out!!! you will get THE LOWEST PRICES ON THE WEB!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Lexington Loop - the great place to bike with children in New England

I'm a big fun of family bicycling with children, as you can see when reading my posts and articles.
As a child psychologist, I notice many useful profits for the whole family, from physical to emotional and social benefits. Now, spring coming and many families will start a new bicycling season.
Don't forget about safety while bicycling with your children in attached bicycle trailers. I wrote a few articles about this topic, please review my blog posts, if interested.
This weekend I'm planning to try a new bike path with my family, I'm so glad that spring brings that opportunity, my son can't wait to hit the road in his bicycle trailer!
We will go to The Lexington Loop, it is a new track for us, but I head a few nice comments about it.

The Lexington Loop - you can view some of the most picturesque landscapes New England has to offer when you ride on this 30-mile loop. The trail takes you mostly through back roads, viewing meadows, woodlands, quaint farms, and historic places like Concord, Lexington, and the Old North Bridge.
I hope that the ride will be very educational too, especially for my son.

Please visit our website at with a great gallery of bicycle trailers, many tips, resources, and buying guides.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Promote healthy lifestyle with a Bicycle Trailer

Bicycle trailers are great tools for parents, we can use them as well as jogging strollers, to promote healthy, active lifestyle. Kids learn from us at every stage of their life, we are row models for them every minute. The most important thing for parents is to raise healthy and active kids.
I discovered with my child, that bicycle trailers are perfect accessories to teach kids these values from the beginning and forming positive habits in terms of spending free, family time together in healthy and active way. There are many benefits coming from that kind of activity and it is worth trying. My child loves his bicycle trailers and family time spend together. He can't wait until spring, when his bicycle trailer will be pulled out of the garage.

If you can share with us your opinion, please leave your comments.
Our other blogs:

Friday, February 26, 2010

Get ready for a new Bicycle Trailer Season

Spring is coming and many of us - parents, think about new bicycle season. After a long winter and New England's weather, it's so good to take our bicycle trailers and hit the road! I don't know about you but I can't wait until that happen. My child too, he loves his bicycle trailer and our family escapes. That kind of activity brings so many benefits to all of us, the whole family. The most important thing is that my kid spends free time actively and learns from the beginning how to be active and fit. It's a great habit to promote!
Please remember about safety tips when taking your kids for a ride in a bicycle trailer:
  • Children riding in bicycle trailers must always wear a helmet. Proper use of a bike helmet reduces risk of head injury by as much as 88%. Adults should also always use a helmet for safety and role modeling.
  • Use a safety flag, which helps motorists see you.
  • Use hand signals before turning left or right.
  • Pay attention to bicycle trailer weight limits. For child bike trailers, confirm the minimum height and weight and use any recommended inserts for smaller children.
  • Follow all posted road signs – a bicycle is part of traffic.
  • When riding at night, attach a light to the front of your bike and reflectors to the rear of the trailer.
  • When hauling a pet, always secure them with the safety leash.
  • Before riding, check the bicycle's connection to the trailer and be sure the tires are properly inflated.
  • Practice riding in a safe area before taking the trailer on the road. When practicing, pay particular attention to breaking distance, which increases with a trailer attached to your bike.

    Please visit our website for resources and tips regarding bicycle trailers.
    We offer info along with our great selection of safe and recommended bicycle trailer models, best for your family, and suitable to every budget!

    Our other blogs:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Designer Bicycle Baby Stroller from Europe

Is it a bicycle? Or is it a baby stroller?

The Dutch sure do love their bicycles, so its really not surprising a designer from the Netherlands has come up with hybrid bicycle-baby-stroller. Its not the first of its kind... but its one of the more stylish. (Technically its a tricycle-baby-stroller, but whatever.)

The problem with mixing two different things is that the final concoction tends to be... ugly. This one, known as the Taga, attempts to be as stylish as possible, hoping to lure the high-class cyclist parent.

More so, it converts (in roughly 20 seconds) into a regular stroller, and is thus "the ultimate get-fit gadget for yummy-mummies" says the company. Children are carried in traffic-facing seats between the handlebars and strapped in with a five-point seatbelt, effectively making the baby a hood ornament (although thats pretty standard for baby strollers).

"If you come to a situation where you don't want to cycle or you're not allowed to cycle, at the subway or in a supermarket, in less than 20 seconds you can convert it into a stroller," says Jeroen de Schaaf, Taga's European manager. The company is hoping to launch the Taga in North America this summer.

I hope you like this post and some new trends from Europe!
Visit our site at for a wide selection of baby strollers, bassinets, and bicycle trailers, but we do not carry those new styles yet...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Few Reminders Before you Hit the Road with your Bicycle Trailer...

What law states about bicycle riders and about the required equipment for bicycles...
Section 21200(a) of the California Vehicle Code states that persons riding a bicycle have the same rights and are subject to the same provisions as someone driving a car.

You are required to have a wheel brake that is capable of skidding the bike on a level, dry, paved surface. Some of the newer bikes that do not have any kind of braking system, it seems. Not a good choice for riding in the roadway. The handlebar height cannot be above the shoulders of the rider. The operator of the bike must be able to reach the ground with one foot and support the bike in an upright position. Also, bicycles must be equipped with lighting if they will be used during the hours of darkness.

Section 21202(a) of the vehicle code states that if a bicyclist is too slow for the normal flow of traffic, they must stay as close to the right edge of the roadway as possible. The exceptions to this are when you are passing a slower cyclist, preparing the make a left turn, or avoiding a hazard in the roadway.

Section 212008 requires the cyclist to stay in the designated bike lane if there is one. Section 21650.1 requires that you ride in the same direction as the other vehicles on the roadway. In other words, you cannot ride against the flow of traffic. And if you think that you can have a drink and just ride your bike home, think again. Section 21200.5 makes it a misdemeanor to do so.

Persons under the age of 18 are required to wear a helmet. The helmet has to be fastened on the head and be of a proper fit. That helmet also has to meet ANSI, ASTM, or Snell standards. This law also applies to children in bicycle trailer seats and being towed in an attached bicycle trailer. For adults the helmet is not required, but I would seriously consider wearing one if you are going to ride on the streets next to fast-moving cars. A helmet could prevent serious injury in the event of a traffic collision.

Pulling kids in bicycle trailers is fun for both parents and children, many of us love it!
Bicycles are great fun and a great way to get around!
Just remember to follow the rules and do it safely!

Please visit our site for a great gallery of bicycle trailers at affordable prices!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mardi Gras Parade- get your Stroller, Bicycle Trailer...

The Krewe of Pollock Children’s Mardi Gras Parade is set for 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 6, at Foster Park in Pollock.

All children and youths are invited to participate and can simply show up for the parade line-up at 9:30 a.m., according to Pollock Mayor Jerome Scott.

Children are encouraged to decorate bicycles, tricycles and wagons to ride in the parade or they may walk the parade route. They are encouraged to dress in Mardi Gras attire if they wish.

There is no entry fee. No large floats will be allowed, but small trailer floats will be allowed.

Adults are encouraged to walk with youths to ensure safety during the parade.

“It’s another way to bring our youth together in a safe and supervised manner while having lots of fun,” Scott said.

For more information, call Scott at (318) 765-3796 or (318) 765-9024.

Our site for more info, buying guides, resources regarding baby strollers, bassinets, and bicycle trailers.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bicycle Trailer Trip...

On Aug. 1, 2009, Bill and Amarins Harrison, along with their three daughters, mounted a five-person bicycle and began a journey across the United States.

They left their hometown of Mount Vernon, Ky., with just $300.

On Monday, the Harrisons, or “Pedouins” as they call themselves, rode through the San Jacinto Valley on their way to San Diego.

“I just think it started with the feeling that we wanted to travel,” Amarins said of the inspiration for the journey. “We wanted to go to Alaska, but we didn’t want to go by car or RV. We wanted to do something where we could feel the country and meet the people.”

She said the couple decided on the quint bike because the family could ride together.

On their Web site, Amarins said although two of their daughters, Cheyenne, 7, and Jasmine, 5, could ride bikes well, they knew the girls wouldn’t be able to bike the 7,000 miles the Harrisons mapped out.
The quint bike features a special child seat for the youngest daughter, Robin, 3. She is able to sleep as the rest of the family pedals.

The Harrisons attached a trailer to the back of their bike that Burley Trailer Co. gave the family. The company designed the trailer for the Harrisons.

They carry clothes, a tent, sleeping mats, snacks, and other necessities in the trailer.

Please visit our site at we carry a nice gallery of bicycle trailers by SCHWINN and IN STEP...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bicycle Trailers...

State Representative David Osborne (R) wants to outlaw carting kids by bike. I can't think of anything more out of step with public health and safety.

Protection? Really?

Rep. Osborne's HB255 would "...prohibit the operation of a bicycle on a state-maintained highway while transporting a person under the age of 18 years in an attached trailer or other apparatus."

If this bill is an attempt to protect kids, I'm afraid the 59th District legislator hasn't paid attention to what's really killing our children – obesity and diabetes.

Instead of restricting the freedom of bicycling families, maybe Rep. Osborne could sponsor some legislation that would funnel some overdue transportation funding for more suitable bike routes and sidewalk repair.

What do you think about this?
Please share with us your comments.
Our website we carry bicycle trailers at affordable prices.
and our other blogs

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bike Pro - Bicycle Classes for Kids

BIKE PRO - is a children' s bicycle class that teaches important skils.
This class is geared for kids ages 10 to13 and gives them bike handling knowledge that will help keep them safe. Bike Pro is taught entirely “on the bike,” with the children having as little standing around time as possible. The class progresses through drills that teach the rules of the road, how to look backward while riding a straight line, signaling and how to negotiate different types of intersections, and it ends with a three-mile road test.

To sign up a 10- to 13-year-old for this free course, you can call me at my number, which is listed below. Any Columbia child of that age can participate as long as he or she has a bicycle and helmet and already knows the basics of riding.

Robert Johnson is education coordinator with the PedNet Coalition. Reach him at (573) 289-6479 or

Reach Robert Johnson at 573-289-6479 or e-mail

Please visit our site at
Our other blogs at

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pulling Bicycle Trailers

Bicycling is a fun activity for many reasons.

It gives you a sense of freedom, a sense of one with the environment and can give you a glimpse into your past, when stress and responsibility were minimized, to say the least.

Cycling improves your fitness and your health. It can strengthen your immune system, lower blood cholesterol, reduce stress, strengthen the heart and increase your energy levels.

But cycling can also be hazardous to your health, especially if you're an "aggressive cyclist."

These are the people who think they own the road. They don't obey traffic laws, they ride in the middle of the road and seem to glory in passing vehicles in heavy traffic.

And even though I feel bicyclists and especially cyclists pulling bicycle trailers need to restrict themselves to quieter, less busy streets, I realize they have rights, too.

Our site for more resources on baby products.